Extermination Services
expense Bedbugs Presidio Pest Management

Bed Bug Removal in Michigan

Get the bedbugs out and save up to $100 on treatment

Think you have bedbugs? Our guess is, you want the problem solved – 100% solved – NOW. With Presidio, highly-skilled bedbug exterminators come to your home to prove that you have a bedbug problem (or even better, that you don’t). If we find a bedbug problem, we’ll show you the proof, and get the bedbugs removed THIS WEEK. That means you’ll have the assurance that those nasty bedbugs are GONE. Get a free inspection & quote this week – be bedbug free by next week. Appointments for inspections might be available today if you call now!
Don’t rely on ineffective home remedies or less than thorough bedbug removal companies. You need a professional with expertise, discretion, and the right solution to get rid of bed bugs. That’s where Presidio Pest Management can help.

Presidio is a Michigan business. We’re dedicated to helping our fellow Michiganders keep their homes free from nasty bedbugs. We offer both heat and chemical bedbug removal options. With the greener solution of heat, we use state-of-the art thermal eradication equipment, the bugs are gone within six to nine hours safely, effectively, and without hours of labor on your part to remove various furnishings. We also offer chemical options if you prefer. Either way, our team is committed to solving your bedbug problems – NOW!

Bedbug Removal from Presidio – why are we better?

No spending dollars or days moving furniture & breakables.
Heat treatment is available and is chemical-free, non-toxic, safe for kids & pets.
Chemical options are available and are an effective & cost-effective solution.
Appointments can be made in Metro Detroit the same week or same day you call.
Discreet. Professional. Fast. Done in 6-9 hours.
Exterminate the bedbugs and take back your home.
(248) 457-5233

Request a FREE BEDBUG INSPECTION – mention our “Save Up To $100” Offer!

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