Extermination Services

Carpenter Bees

Presidio Pest Services

What does a carpenter bees nest look like?
Carpenter bees nest inside of the wooden structure of homes and buildings, often drilling a 1/2 inch round hole and leaving sawdust behind. These bees then create tunnels from the original nest hole, potentially causing great structural damage to your home.

What is typical behavior of carpenter bees?
Large carpenter bees do not actually eat wood. Rather, they excavate dry, weathered wooden objects such as doors, railings, decks, windowsills, untreated poles, and fences. The wood of choice for these bees includes Cyprus, oak, pine, redwood, and fir, especially when the wood is unpainted, unfinished, and not covered in bark. Females have strong mouthparts that are capable of chewing the wood to make an entrance. The galleries of these bees are labor-intensive and may increase several feet over several years. These bees feed on plant pollen and nectar. Small bees also eat plant pollen and nectar. They erect their nests by excavating stems and twigs and, in the springtime, further excavate their homes to create a brood nest much like that of large carpenter bees.

Do carpenter bees sting? Do carpenter bees bite?
Male carpenter bees are unable to sting. However, female carpenter bees do sting, but only when seriously provoked. Carpenter bees can bite, but they do not bite humans.

What is the difference between carpenter bees vs bumblebees?
Carpenter bees and bumblebees are similar in size and general appearance. The biggest difference between the two is that carpenter bees are not social insects, colonizing in much smaller groups in more hidden places. You are likely to see large groups of carpenter bees near the eaves of your home or the top of a building. Additionally, carpenter bees are mostly hairless on the abdomen, which is shiny black in color, while the abdomen of a bumblebee is covered in hairs.

How can I tell if I have Carpenter bees?
Carpenter bees leave a lot of evidence of their presence. Their entrance into their nest looks like a 1/2 inch drill bit was used to drill a hole in your home, and they leave sawdust on the ground where the hole was drilled. They also leave behind a yellow trail at this entrance, which is a combination of bee excrement and pollen. Males are extremely protective of their territory and, although they do not sting, their flight pattern could be described as aggressive. Another indication is the presence of woodpecker holes near the bee’s gallery. Woodpeckers eat these bees and often cause more damage to your home in search of their prey.

Is getting rid of Carpenter bees difficult? How do I get rid of Carpenter bees?
In the past, people have tried to trap or spray carpenter bees in order to control the issue, which tends to worsen the problem. Carpenter bees burrow inside of the wood in and around your home and can cause devastating damage to the structure, so it is best to call a pest control professional for the extermination of these bees. Hi-Tech Pest Control has the specialized equipment, pesticides, and knowledge to exterminate Carpenter bee infestations of any size. It is crucial to have a timely treatment for carpenter bees, as these bees are known to be damaging to the structure of your home. Call Presidio today or schedule your free inspection!

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    Carpenter Bees

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