Extermination Services

Spider Control for Your Home

Presidio Pest Services


You see them creeping along the highest edge of your bedroom wall, or suddenly appearing, suspended by an invisible cord, above your sofa.

While you generally see just one spider at a time, one always lead to many. Most species of spiders can have dozens or even hundreds of spider-lings one time so if you see an adult, you can assume there are nests full of babies, too- either inside or nearby your house.

Most species of spiders can have dozens or even hundreds of spider-lings, or baby spiders, at one time―so if you see an adult, you can assume there are nests full of babies, too.

Only a few spiders have fangs strong enough to pierce your skin and enough venom to cause a reaction – including the black widow spider and the brown recluse, however, even they tend to run when threatened and only bite as a last resort, and the venom is rarely lethal or strong enough to require antivenom treatment.

Spider infestation is usually an indication of a bigger problem, such as excessive moisture or too many trees too close to the house or building. Treatment varies based on the situation, and can include nest removal, tree trimming, finding/eliminating sources of excessive moisture.

Concerned your home may be infested? Wondering if those itchy marks on your kid’s arms are spider bites? Call Presidio for a free inspection today.

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