Extermination Services
bed bugs

I have Bed Bugs… What treatment is best?

Electric Heat Treatment

Part one of a three-part series.

Presidio offers three different solutions to get rid of bed bugs. Electric Heat Treatment, Chemical, or a Combo of both. All three have a 100% success rate, but which one should you choose for your home or business? In our three-part series, we are going to go over the benefits of each treatment and provide you with a bit more information to help assist in choosing the best fit for your situation.

If you suspect bed bugs, Presidio recommends performing a self-inspection immediately. Get a bright flashlight and begin to look in “hiding places” around your bed. Check the mattress and its seams, crevices of the bed frame, screw holes in the bed frame, bedding, etc. Look for signs you have bed bugs. You’ll need to hire a professional, such as Presidio Pest Management who specializes in bed bug treatment if you find:

  • Small brown or dark red spots on your bedding
  • Small groups of red, possibly itchy bites on you or your children’s skin
  • An actual bed bug, which looks like a small apple seed.

It is extremely important to act quickly and begin bed bug treatment if you find any of these, especially if you’ve had bed bugs in the past, before they continue to spread and lay eggs.

As mentioned, Presidio offers three different solutions to get rid of bed bugs. The most effective of these three is the Electric Heat Treatment. Utilizing our Electric Heat Treatment process is not only is the most effective solution, it is also the fastest way to get rid of your bed bug infestation.

Many studies have shown that thermal extermination is the best method of killing bed bugs and their larvae and eggs. Once the room reaches 125.6 degrees or greater for 1 hour, the problem will be eradicated with our professional bed bug heat treatment equipment.

We recommend Electric Heat Treatments. It’s the fastest way to treat, and there is also very little prep work required. It is a “One-and-Done” treatment. Bed bugs will be completely gone in 24 hours or less. It is also a very pet friendly option for our furry friend owners.

To see if this treatment is the right one for you, please contact Presidio Pest Management for more information. (248) 457-5233

Next post: Combo Treatments (Chemical with Heat)

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