If you have bedbugs in your home, and you or your family are being bitten, you are likely desperate to get rid of them fast. Chemicals are one way to kill bedbugs quickly. We’ve provided a list here of some chemicals that will kill bedbugs. We STRONGLY recommend, however, that you proceed in using chemicals...Read More
As unsanitary as a bed bug infestation sounds, it can occur anywhere – even 5-star hotels. Bed bugs can spread relatively quickly, which is why you’ll want to get rid of them as soon as you spot them – not to mention that they also feed on blood, which means they’ll bite you during the...Read More
Man’s best friend; bedbugs’ worst enemy! Bed bug dogs are used when an infestation is especially difficult to detect. When it is absolutely critical for you to stomp out an infestation and it may be spread through an area, bed bug sniffing dogs are the best solution. Specially trained, well cared for, and immensely valuable...Read More
Bed bugs are back! There was a time that bed bugs had become quite rare. But in recent years bed bugs have made an impressive comeback. According to Wikipedia: “The U.S. National Pest Management Association reported a 71% increase in bed bug calls between 2000 and 2005. The number of reported incidents in New York...Read More
Are you or your family members noticing red bumps on your skin night after night? If so, it could be bedbugs. Bed bugs feed on human blood. They leave behind red bumps or marks. Other evidence of bedbug bites is blood spotting on pillows and mattresses. Bed bugs often feed on the shoulders and upper...Read More