A bed bug infestation can be absolutely maddening… So you’re probably looking for a quick, effective and (if at all possible) inexpensive solution. You’re also probably wondering if bed bug traps are even worth trying. Well, the answer is partially yes. DIY Treatments Bed bugs are extraordinary survivors. Even the smell of a compound that...Read More
Bed bugs are not harmful, and their bites do not spread disease. They are extremely disgusting though, and can cause your family undue psychological stress. They typically feed between midnight and 5:00 AM. Females can lay 5 to 20 eggs after a meal; eggs which can be difficult to kill. They are excellent survivors, which...Read More
If you’re reading this article, then there’s a decent chance that you suffer from a bed bug infestation, or at the very least, you suspect that you might suffer from a bed bug infestation. Such an infestation can be absolutely maddening. So you’re probably looking for a quick, effective and (if at all possible) inexpensive...Read More
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Presidio Pest Management Bed Bug Extermination Services