You need mosquito treatments for two major reasons: To get rid of annoying mosquitoes from biting. To prevent mosquito-borne diseases from spreading. Mosquitoes not only cause a bloodsucking nuisance but also represent a major threat to health. Health hazards are not only the reason for mosquito treatments. Mosquitoes can be quite annoying. They may ruin...Read More
Ouch! Getting attacked by Deer Flies while attempting a simple walk on a warm Michigan day, or enjoying the sunset on your backyard deck in July or August can turn a pleasant activity into absolute misery. These pesky insects are not just an annoyance, they can also bite… and painfully. Deer flies are a close...Read More
At the tail-end of World War II, bed bugs had been nearly eradicated. Now, however, they’re resurgence is at an alarming rate throughout the whole of the United States. As the number of bed bug cases rise each year, so do the number of false identifications, often caused by their lesser-known look-alike: the bat bug....Read More
Get rid of bed bugs with help from a professional exterminator. If you believe you have bed bugs, we need to get to work. Our first recommendation: Educate yourself about bed bugs and steps you can take NOW to fight back. Below, we’ll talk about the bed bug life cycle, how they infest, how they breed,...Read More
Bed Bugs in Hotels We are the experts in bedbug remediation in homes & businesses, and we have applied our knowledge & experience in hotels and other such locations. Bedbugs in hotels are not an uncommon problem. Bedbugs can travel considerable distances in order to stay near or find their food source – you. They...Read More