Extermination Services
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Bed Bug Dogs

Man’s best friend; bedbugs’ worst enemy!

dogBed bug dogs are used when an infestation is especially difficult to detect. When it is absolutely critical for you to stomp out an infestation and it may be spread through an area, bed bug sniffing dogs are the best solution.

Specially trained, well cared for, and immensely valuable to uprooting bed bug infestations, bed bug dogs have begun to make their rounds across the country. These canine companions are relentless in finding bed bugs. Due to their acute olfactory senses, they can find hidden pockets of bed bug eggs (tiny and translucent to the human eye) – giving us a chance to stop the infestation before it gets really bad.

Bedbug Sniffing Dogs from Presidio

We offer bed bug dog services as part of our pest management portfolio. We have partnered with the top scent detection firm in the state that trains, tests, and certifies our bedbug sniffing dogs. Although mostly used in commercial buildings and multiple-person residences such as apartments, our bed bug dogs can be brought to your home to check for early infestations of bed bugs.

Learn more about bed bug dogs in the New York Times


Canine Bedbug Inspections are the best method of finding an infestation that especially difficult to detect. When it is absolutely critical for you to stomp out an infestation and it may be spread through an area, bedbug sniffing dogs are the best solution.

Specially trained, well cared for, and immensely valuable to uprooting bedbug infestations, bedbug dogs have begun to make their rounds across the country.

The dogs used for canine inspections are relentless in finding bedbugs. With their acute olfactory senses, they can find hidden pockets of bedbug eggs (tiny and translucent to the human eye) – giving us a chance to stop the infestation before it gets really bad.

We offer canine bedbug inspections as part of our pest management portfolio. We have partnered with the top scent detection firm in the state that trains, tests, and certifies our bedbug inspection dogs. Although mostly used in commercial buildings and multiple-person residences such as apartments, our bedbug dogs can be brought to your home to check for early infestations of bedbugs.

Need help now? Contact us to schedule a canine bedbug inspection, or call (248) 457-5233 for immediate help.

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