Extermination Services


Bed Bugs
rodents-mice-rats- Presidio Pest Management
Rodent Extermination is one of the main methods of pest control. It is a highly technical and more widely used method, but it has proven its worth in the pest control industry. Rodent Extermination is one of the most common methods of pest control and is being practiced by most pest control companies to help...
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kills Bedbugs Presidio Pest Management
Bed bugs are no joke. We know that if you have them, you want them dead ASAP. If you are suffering a bed bug problem in your home right now, you are in the right place to get the information you need about killing bed bugs. Before we give you a list of things that...
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Bed Bugs - Presidio Pest Management
When it comes to Bed Bug Treatments, people seem to be spending all kinds of money on the best way to get rid of them. The truth is, if you are patient, you can save yourself a lot of money. This article will talk about some of the ways that you can use to help...
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bed bug trap Presidio Pest Management
“…Don’t let the bed bugs bite!!”  When you were a child and your parents said this before sending you off to sleep, there’s a decent chance that you thought “bed bugs” were just a myth.  A story from some fairy tale.  Hate to break it to you, they are real! And if you’re reading this,...
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norman bed bug dog Presidio Pest Management
In honor of National Dog Day this week, we at Presidio Pest Management thought we would interview Presidio Pest Management’s Owner, Bobby Wilford about three of his most valuable co-workers! These good doggos are some of Presidio’s best employees as well as our most valuable assets. Why? These three hard working pups are trained Bed...
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Contact Us

Presidio Pest Management
Bed Bug Exterminator Services

4581 S Lapeer Road Suite C
Orion Twp, MI 48359

Phone: (248) 457-5233

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