Extermination Services


mosquitos bite Presidio Pest Management
What is the deadliest creature on earth? Surely, sharks, snakes, other scary creatures come to mind almost immediately. Would you believe the answer is…the mosquito. Yes, you read that correctly. The mosquito kills more people in one day than sharks do in an entire century! Getting bitten by a mosquito, the insect universally hated by...
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mosquito misconceptions Presidio Pest Management
Chances are, you’ve been bitten by a mosquito at least once in your life, so you know how annoying these pests can be. But did you know there are quite a few misconceptions about these pesky critters floating around the internet? This is something that we at Presidio Pest Management have become very familiar with,...
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Contact Us

Presidio Pest Management
Bed Bug Exterminator Services

4581 S Lapeer Road Suite C
Orion Twp, MI 48359

Phone: (248) 457-5233

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