In honor of National Dog Day this week, we at Presidio Pest Management thought we would interview Presidio Pest Management’s Owner, Bobby Wilford about three of his most valuable co-workers! These good doggos are some of Presidio’s best employees as well as our most valuable assets. Why? These three hard working pups are trained Bed...Read More
Real stories of bed bugs in Michigan homes This is certainly no bedtime story! Not with bed bugs…in YOUR bed. We thought you might want to learn about a few of our cases, what the customer was experiencing, and how we were able to help. These are actual case stories; names are omitted to preserve...Read More
Man’s best friend; bedbugs’ worst enemy! Bed bug dogs are used when an infestation is especially difficult to detect. When it is absolutely critical for you to stomp out an infestation and it may be spread through an area, bed bug sniffing dogs are the best solution. Specially trained, well cared for, and immensely valuable...Read More
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Presidio Pest Management Bed Bug Extermination Services