Stink bugs didn’t get their name by mistake! These little pests let out a foul odor whenever they feel threatened or are crushed. But did you know they also let out another scent? When stink bugs find a suitable place to live during the winter, a.k.a. inside your house, they let off a pheromone that...Read More
(BUZZES LIKE A BEE) German Yellow Jackets are often mistaken for bees, due to the fact that they buzz like a bee. They belong to a group of social wasps that cooperate to build and defend their queen and colony. They are also the uninvited guests at picnics who get into soda cans. Aerial Yellow...Read More
There was a time when bed bugs were considered to be all but extinct. In the past, the use of certain toxic pesticides nearly destroyed the bed bug population in much of western society. Between the 1950s-1990s, bed bugs basically passed from reality to legend. They were nothing more than a fun rhyme that parents would...Read More